Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Friday 28 September 2012

After a winter term full of horrible weather and illnesses we decided it was time for some fun, so we went for our annual trip to Snow Planet in Silverdale. After arriving there on the bus we had our morning tea in their entryway as it was raining and we could not use their picnic area.

 After refuelling our bodies we went into the snow dome where we had so much fun riding the toboggans and tubes. When it was time to finish we went into the café to warm up by the fire with hot chips for lunch before getting back on the bus and returning to Kindergarten.  It is hard to say who had the most fun, the children their parents or the teachers.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


On Friday 16th June we took our morning children to Auckland Zoo to see the animals in real life. We have had an ongoing project all year that has evolved from metamorphosis to the differences between reptiles, mammals and amphibians to the types of habitats different animals live in.

In our post trip discussions one of the children told me that - "the meercat lives in the African desert and makes a warning screeching sound when predators come" when we were talking about what we saw. What a wonderful opportunity for the children to see the animals we have been discussing at Kindergarten.

The music on the video is downloaded from

Margaret ❀

Thursday, May 10, 2012


23 March 2012

What a wonderful day our morning children had when we went to Butterfly Creek! We saw HUGE crocodiles, and a baby one we could touch. We saw so many beautiful butterflies, insects, and really enjoyed the farm. After lunch we played in the playground before having a train ride just before we got on the bus to go back to Kindergarten.
